SurnameWeb's Genealogy Home Page Construction Kit

GEDCOM Conversion Tools


GED2HTML | Review

GED2WWW | Review

Gedpage | Review


Indexed GEDCOM Method

Kinship Archivist



UFTi | Review | Updated

WebGED Progenitor | Review

Webified Genealogy

Introduction to a GEDCOM
GEDCOM is an acronym for
GE nealogical D ata COM munication

Version 5.5
The GEDCOM Standard Release 5.5

Transforming Your GEDCOM Files Into Web Pages
An article written by Mark Howells for the Journal of Online Genealogy in 1997

We could try and act the specialist on this subject. But we are not. What we can do is provide links and reviews of the different GEDCOM translators there are on the WWW. Most people who browse the web for genealogy are familiar with GED2HTML by Gene Stark. But there are some other programs out there, that are beginning to gain credence with webmasters. This feature is not only about Gene Stark's program, but about the alternative programs that are cropping up.

Some of these GEDCOM tools are freeware, while some are shareware. The SurnameWeb and it's webmasters have no affiliation with any of these tools, and receive no monetary benefits for your use of them. We simply provide a current list of them and their features, and allow you to choose the one that best suites your needs.

If a program in the list to the left has "REVIEW" beside it, then we have had the opportunity to review the program, and provide a write up for it. Simply click on the word Review to find out what we say.

If a program in the list to the left has UPDATED beside it, then they have updated their software in the past 90 days.

Any comments? E-mail us.

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by The Surname Web Team.
All rights reserved.

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