GEDCOM Utilities

Last Updated Saturday, November 11, 2000

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We could try and act the specialist on this subject. But we are not. What we can do is provide links and reviews of the different GEDCOM utilities there are on the WWW.

Some of these GEDCOM tools are freeware, while some are shareware. The SurnameWeb and it's webmasters have no affiliation with any of these tools, and receive no monetary benefits for your use of them. We simply provide a current list of them and their features, and allow you to choose the one that best suites your needs.

If a program in the list to the left has "REVIEW" beside it, then we have had the opportunity to review the program, and provide a write up for it. Simply click on the word Review to find out what we have to say.

If a program in the list to the left has UPDATED beside it, then they have updated their software in the past 90 days.


Adds a user specified note to each individual in a GEDCOM file.

Adds a user specified source to each individual in a GEDCOM file.

Windows 95 command line program to display the unconnected individuals in any GEDCOM file.

Utility to Help the Genealogist Fix the Sex Codes in a GEDCOM File.
Ged-Commander is a utility for genealogists who wish to manually edit or merge GEDCOM files.

GED2KGI reads a GEDCOM file, and writes GED2KGI, a text file with 1 line per person, with that person's vital data, if present. No relationships are shown in a GED2KGI file.

Changes the capitalization of the surnames in a GEDCOM file. Can convert to/from uppercase.

GEDClean is an attempt to automate the process of "cleaning" the personal information about living individuals from a GEDCOM file containing genealogical data.

Gedcom Viewer opens a Gedcom format file, exported from your Genealogy program, and displays the full family tree - all on a single screen, even for hundreds of people.

Privitizes a GEDCOM file.

Allows editting of places in a GEDCOM file.

GEDPrivy is a program to create privacy for data in GEDCOM's.

Windows 95 program to split any GEDCOM file in useful ways.

R3GED2FT reads a Roots III generated GEDCOM file and writes a new GEDCOM 5.x file, one that allows more of my Roots III data to be imported into FTMW.

Introduction to a GEDCOM
GEDCOM is an acronym for
GE nealogical D ata COM munication

Version 5.5
The GEDCOM Standard Release 5.5


GEDClean Version 2.11

Created by Tom Raynor, GEDClean attempts to automate the process of "cleaning" the personal information about living individuals from a GEDCOM file containing genealogical data.

Originally created for use with Gene Stark's GED2HTML as a way to clean GEDCOM's of living individuals before publishing to the web, it is capable of preparing a GEDCOM for any conversion program on the market.

GEDClean helps you through three distinct steps.

  1. First, you identify the GEDCOM file (usually produced by a genealogy program) that you would like to clean.
  2. Next, you identify a list of "living individuals". If you don't have such a list, don't worry! GEDClean will help you make one. It can key off an existing flag in your GEDCOM file (like a NOTE that says !ALIVE), or it can scan the dates in your file to "recommend" who might be still alive.
  3. The final step GEDClean performs for you is to run through your GEDCOM file, removing all the details about individuals on the list of living individuals you made in the second step.

GEDClean allows the user to choose the date at which an individual would be considered "living". I for instance, often use 1920 as a marriage date, and 1900 as a birth date. Of course, this would still allow an indivdual to possibly sneak into my data, who is still living, so you may want to use even earlier years.

Basically, the only data remaining for living individuals is (optionally) their name, and any relationships (parents, spouses, and children) they have. GEDClean also adds a NOTE saying Living Individual - Details Withheld. This is done for both the individuals, and any families in which they are a parent.

GEDClean is Copyrighted software that, with few limitations, may be used without charge; in other words, Freeware.

Click here to download GEDClean now.

Click here to register your copy of GEDClean (it's free, and you'll find out about bugs and upgrades).

Any comments? E-mail us.

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by Dennis N. Partridge
All rights reserved.

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