The Surname Genealogy Web Project


The Surname Web Team

Current Team Members

Dennis Partridge
Visit the Partridge SRC: The Partridge Nest.
Visit AccessGenealogy:
Dennis founded the Surname Registry - an index of personal genealogy pages on May 5, 1997.
Dennis is the Team Leader.

Duane Cooley
Visit the Cooley SRC: The Cooley Surname Family Center(SRC).
Visit his home page: Duane's Genealogy Pages.
Visit his regional page: Slovakia Queries-The Vychodoslovensky Region.
Joined the Surnameweb team on October 31, 1997.
Duane is currently Ringmaster of SurnameRing.

Carol Towery
Visit the Virden SRC: Virden's and Variants (Surname Resource Center).
Visit her homepage: Bo's Ancestry Page.
Joined the Surnameweb team on June 7, 1998.
Carol is overseer of the SurnameRegistry.

Debbie Turner
Joined the SurnameWeb team in July 1998.
Debbie is responsible for the management of Surname Resource Centers

EZ Langston
Visit his homepage: Langston Ancestry Page.
Joined the Surnameweb team on September 9, 1998.
EZ assists us with validation of web pages

Kathi Reid
Visit the Mahady SRC: Mahady Surname Resource Center.
Visit her homepage: Genealogy Roots.
Joined the Surnameweb team on April 14, 1999.
Kathi runs the Surnameweb Home Page Construction Kit.

Judy White
Wallis White Branches -
North Dakota - State Coordinator -
Aitkin County Minnesota -
Pipestone County Minnesota -
Ida County Iowa -
Sac County Iowa -
ALHN Harrison County Iowa -
Western Cherokee Nation -
SurnameWeb Resource Center -
Discover Genealogy WebRings -
Joined the SurnameWeb team in 1999
Judy assists with the maintenance of the registry.

Previous Team Members / Inactive Team Members

David Beck
Visit the Beck SRC: Beck Surname Resource Center.
Visit the Swiggum SRC: Swiggum Surname Resource Center.
Visit his home page: David and Shannon's Page.
David founded the SurnameWeb - an index of Surname Resource Centers on September 20, 1997.
The SurnameWeb merged with the Surname Registry on September 23, 1997.
David has placed himself on the inactive list as he spends time with his new family, newjob, and school. We wish him all the best. This is your work David, we've only molded it into what it has become.

Helen Castle
Visit her homepage: Helen & Evan's Home Page
Joined the Surnameweb team on May 15, 1998
Last month worked on the SurnameWeb was July 1998.

Judy Kimball Hise
Lafayette Parish, Louisiana Coordinator: Lafayette Parish
Visit her homepage: Kimball Genealogy Pages
Joined the Surnameweb team in May 1998
Last month worked on the SurnameWeb was July 1998.

Kristin Schoonover
Visit her homepage: Kristin's Page
Joined the Surnameweb team on April 5, 1998

Kim Hovey
Visit the Hovey SRC: Hovey Surname Resource Center.
Visit her homepage: The Hovey Home Page.
Joined the Surnameweb team on March 18, 1998.

Keith Hume
Visit his Chase SRC: Chase Surname Resource Center.
Visit his homepage: Our Family.
Joined the Surnameweb team on May 16, 1998.
Keith runs the Surname Resource Center Help Center.

Tina Hughes
Visit her homepage: Tina's Genealogy
Joined the Surnameweb team on February 13, 1998
Last day worked on the Surnameweb was March 5, 1998

Loni Voorhis
Visit her homepage: Loni's Surnames
Joined the Surnameweb team on February 26, 1998
Last day worked on the Surnameweb was May 15, 1998

Linda Reuther
Visit her homepage: Jim and Linda's Page.
Joined the Surnameweb team on January 15, 1998.

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