The SurnameRing

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Our Web Ring Page

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Start Your Own Ring!

Towards the top of the page you can find an example of our ring. The SurnameRing was set up not only as a ring for surname pages on the web, but to encourage others to set up surname specific rings (for example, the Adams Surname Ring). I hope YOU will choose to set up a free ring for your surname!

What is WebRing?
Make Your Own Surname WebRing!
Ringmaster FAQ
Register Your Ring With Us!

Current SurnameRing Members ONLY!

You must be signed in at WebRing to edit your ring information.

To edit your ring information click HERE!

This page was last updated Febuary 18, 2003.
Copyright © 1997-2003. All rights reserved.

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Join The SurnameRing!

There are three steps to joining the SurnameRing.

  1. You must have a WebRing ID!
    If you don't have a WebRing ID, you can sign up for one HERE.
  2. Register with the SurnameRing!
    You must have a current genealogy web page pertaining to your family surnames in order to register. If you have a genealogy web page pertaining to your family surnames and are ready to join the Ring then, CLICK HERE.
  3. Add the ring navigation bar to your web page!
    After you join the ring, you will be instructed how to install the ring navigation bar(navbar), like the one at the top of this page, onto your site. The navbar or HTML code must be placed on the web page(URL) that you registered with the SurnameRing and it must be on your web page before your site will be accepted into the Ring.
  4. If for any reason you wish to use HTML code in place of the navbar, simply insert your site id number below and the HTML code will be returned to you.
    You will be responsible for inserting the code for the SurnameRing image. The ring image can be found below.

    Ring ID:
    Site ID #:
    Code generator provided by Phil.

Join The SurnameRing